The planet can not fight for itself, it needs your support.
Writing Congresspeople requires stamps and we need money for postage. If you can afford to donate as little as $24 please do! It will go directly to a campaign fighting for our climate and the futures of every child on earth! Donate right now. Acting with urgency is critical and real results require real resources.
You can snail mail donations to p.o. box 79091 Belmont MA 02478 (absolutely no cash) please make checks payable to 'International Green Party Independent'
A typical political donation is $10,000. Nine thousand dollars today can help to get Greens into Congress in the next election cycle! We continue to be scaling up and need your help. Thanks so much for your support
We are an independent expenditure political action committee registered with the Office of Campaign and Public Finance in Massachusetts with an objective of unifying environmentalists into a global political force.
Currently our team is physically working in the United States. Virtually, we are everywhere. We were founded in Boston and are headquartered in Watertown with a satellite office in Belmont Massachusetts
Your donation goes directly to confronting the climate crisis and will help to pay for administrative expenses and legal fees. Every dollar donated to our committee and every cent we spend is reported to the O.C.P.F. and becomes part of the public record. We are also in compliance with all F.E.C. (Federal Election Commission) and I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service) regulations and we are respectfully asking you to please be generous before you close this tab.
We can only accept donations from U.S. citizens, individuals with dual citizenship, or persons possessing a green card authorizing permanent residency. We are required to ask for donors' names, job, employer and address. We thank you sincerely for your support
Everyone needs clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe! We advocate for innovation, not regulations or appropriations
Join the fight to declare a Climate Emergency